Pastel de tres leches

Augtober and Onions

We had another spectacular weekend that felt more like August than October. I did anything to avoid being indoors - which made Lucci a very happy pup!

Walk #1 to the River Bourgeois Mariners Society wharf

Time to get to work and store these onions for the winter.

I remember my grandmother wearing pantyhose ... Queen size ... and I was a little surprised to find that they are still a thing. I wore these things growing up, and I remember how easy it was to get a run in them. Today, I stuffed four pairs with dry onions, and not one snag. Perhaps they have a new formula? They are on my list of vintage I will never wear again (even though Kate Middleton does) but  for a mere $5 they are the recommended way to store onions; this method keeps the onions separated and ventilated to prevent spoiling. 

Simply hang your hose in a cool dry room, and cut onions off from the bottom as needed.

Lucci is a pro at product staging

Walk #2 at the beach below the St. Peter's Rail Trail
