Pastel de tres leches

Lawns are Stupid Anyway

At about 9 o'clock last night I had just crawled into bed after a 6.5km run to start a blog post about how I couldn't get the lawnmower going in one window while searching Youtube videos on how to change a lawnmower spark plug in another window, when the phone rang; it was Annick. Everyone was down at the St. Peter's Lion's Hall for Wendy Owens Abbott's CD Release Party, and where was I? In bed at 9pm on a long weekend??? So of course I abandoned the blog post and kaput lawnmower research, ran through the shower, and headed to St. Pete's for some great live local music, a frosty ginger ale, and to hang with my friends.

And so it was this morning before I found this Expert Village spark plug removal and assessment video, located the right chummies to do the job out in the garage, and set about the task - but not until I had tried 3 last times to get the lawnmower running almost certainly spraining a deltoid in the process.

I managed to extract the plug without breaking or stripping it, like dude in the video warned against. The plug  looks fairly blackened and gnarly to me - which some of you have confirmed below the facebook photos I posted (thank you very much) - so I'm guessing this might be the problem (but maybe not/man, I hate lawns/should just buy a sheep).

Sparky! (or maybe not)
Since today was Victoria Day and stores were closed, there was no running to the St. Peter's Home Hardware for a new spark plug. MaƱana for that. The bees get to frolic in the dandelion forest for at least another day.

even gnarlier backyard
So the entire May long weekend has come and gone and I didn't even get the lawn mowed on the two gorgeous-weather-days that we had. However, Plan B (actually one item in a very long Plan A list) was planting potatoes with Mummy, and we managed to get two drills in this afternoon. If anyone needs blue potato seed (blue right through) we have a few extra; inbox me.

Seems like yesterday we were cutting seed potatoes, but it was an entire year ago! This is another great reason to blog - it helps to keep a record of when and where and how. Otherwise, I'd forget.

Mummy's tulips and freshly shorn lawn (jealous)
