Pastel de tres leches

Princess Cheryl Goes Kayaking

Today high tide was at 10:30am, so although it would have been a great day to go to Point Michaud, surfing there is best at low tide. Instead, Princess Cheryl and I went kayaking. Our destination was a spot we had ducked into once before, but it had been after a long day of kayaking down to Farley's Beach and we didn't have time to explore. This morning, conditions were perfect - sunshine, light breeze, and high tide. 

our destination: directly above
In order to get PC to go kayaking with me, I first had to bribe her with coffee and mango-filled crepes for breakfast.

Crepes Recipe at

Also, I had to let PC wear the inflatable pfd while I had to stuff under my seat wear an ugly bulky blue and yellow jobby. And because the last time we went kayaking (at low tide) we both ended up ankle deep in slimy muck, this time I had to promise to assist her in getting into and out of her kayak in order to avoid a repeat experience. (She comes in handy for her navigational and small boating safety knowledge though.)

We carried the kayaks down Lavalee Lane and put in across the lower road. After the 5-minute kayak across the Riviera, we portaged a narrow strip of land into the lagoon on the other side. Another 10-minute trip took us to a small cut which was the entry way to our destination - a salt marshy tidal water bird sanctuary all at once - teeming with plants, pipers, terns, and eagles. 

barrier beach
Princess Cheryl on the beach
little purple flowers were everywhere
tidal pools to explore

our kayaks
We paddled into every little nook and cranny to see what we could see; the water was very shallow in spots, but we managed not to run aground. The sandy/muddy bottom was littered with clam and oyster shells, and today the water was incredibly warm.

