Pastel de tres leches

Ships & Chips

Tall Ships Halifax was last weekend. The event was markedly different from the last few Tall Ships festivals; absent were Bluenose II (undergoing a major refit right now) and the fleet of South American naval training vessels oozing salsa music and sailors in whites who know how to dance to salsa music.

We walked from Cheryl's apartment across the Halifax Commons, up and over Citadel Hill, and down to the waterfront three times on Saturday heading back and forth to help with deck tours on Gazela and to attend the evening crew party at the Citadel.

going to the crew party
the Citadel
Cheryl on the Hill
Gazela at night
After all that exercise + wine + wave climbing (which is now permitted!) with some sailor friends, it was time for chocolate chipful 5-minute Chocolate Mug Cake by Brian back in Cheryl's galley. 

5-Minute Chocolate Mug Cake
