I was halfway through a glass of wine on a Wednesday; the kitchen was aromatic in a roasting meat sort of way when Daniel, Captain of the Gravy Boat, asked me to go to bring him a snippet of chives from the herb garden ...
Chives! |
He was up to his old cooking tricks again. Stuff was on the go.... |
This is a pork rib roast. Apparently it is a rare thing to find, but St. Peter's Foodland had one that afternoon. |
Sauce. Say it with a French accent.
This is why I run and eat salad when he's away at work.
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| Carrots and parsnips that I planted last summer, blanched, and froze
Had these gems not been in the freezer, no vegetables would have died for this meal (except for maybe the shallots in the sauce. Did you say sauce with a French accent this time?) |
Cheryl sampled it and found it much to her liking.