Pastel de tres leches

Hola, Yes B'y, Tabarnac!

Daniel's parents were here for the weekend! I hadn't seen them since the New Year's Levee in Pictou, so when I arrived home from work on Friday the proper thing to do was sit on the deck with a cold glass of Chardonnay and catch up on happenings in P'town. Meanwhile, Daniel was fusion cooking at the Peartree Inn (the pretend restaurant in his mind): Brayon meets Mexico with a Newfoundland twist featuring Chunks of Moose Meat Chipotle Chili with a side serving of Ployes and Maple Syrup. Hola, yes B'y, Tabarnac!

Chunks o Moose Meet Chipotle Chili
Getting the ploye batter to the proper bubbliness proved difficult; speculation was that perhaps the baking soda in the pre-mix had lost its potency. But finally, after many test ployes (destined for a happy Sammy's food dish), a stack of ployes appeared that were deemed suitable for human consumption. 

Later in the evening, some friends dropped by for a little jam session and cards. This necessitated putting the leaf in the kitchen table and rummaging up all the extra chairs in the house. The kitchen was packed to the rafters; even Sammy had a friend over.  It was a late night.

card sharks