Pastel de tres leches

1st Beach Day

It's finally summer, and I went for my first swim of the season today at Dundee Beach. Therefore, it is time to update my profile pic from drab geeky to happy beachy (see right sidebar). 

This morning we (mostly) finished planting the garden at Mummy's ... later than usual this year because of all the rain we have had up until 2 days ago, but hopefully it will still grow. Planting the garden has made a dent in the greenhouse population; thirty tomato plants left for new digs in the sandy loam in Dundee. 

After things cooled off yesterday afternoon I tidied up in the greenhouse, hung some shade-providing curtains, and transplanted a few things that are going to stay put (a few tomatoes, tomatillos, cucumbers, and peppers) into bigger containers. 

And of course the new grapevines are still in there - not sure what to do with them as hardly anyone has voted their advice to me on the question below!
