Pastel de tres leches


I just mixed a great margarita with El Jimador tequila and already I'm trying to book a flight to Mexico, but first I have to renew my passport

Before all that, Daniel made burgers for dinner while the hens roamed around the backyard. (Trying a new video upload thingy here):

el burger fogonito

Chef's tip no. 2: How to get the coals lit and hot in a timely fashion

burger side view
burger aerial view
Finally, after a very long time, you get to vote on something. This time the dilemma centres on what I should do this Saturday night: down-rig the Ship Hector with Mike Freeman OR go see Matt Mays in concert. Vote below. And if enough of you vote yes to the ship and no to Matt, my ticket is up for grabs; inbox Cheryl. 
