Pastel de tres leches


Multi-shock this morning: sub-existable temperatures, fluffy snow, and the first day back to work after the Yuletide holidaze. Environment Canada satellite imagery shows a low stalled off Newfoundland, spinning aimlessly and spewing minus double digit °C all over the Maritimes. Nice of it to hold off until after the Polar Bear Dip yesterday.

hello pow pow!
That's right: instead of going to Ski Ben Eoin for the day and enjoying this first decent snowfall, I went to work. On the upside, my new optics were ready for pick-up today. Yup, the RB5184 - 2012 NEW WAYFARER won the B&K Optics Poll. Sort of. It was actually a tie, so hope you don't mind, but I just decided on the ones I liked the best.

look deeply into my geeky eyes ...
I stopped in to collect them after work, and by the time I emerged from the optometrist's office, the sparkly little snowflakes that I woke up to had morphed into a white-knuckled squally drive home this evening. Turns out, I remember how to drive in snow. I made it home safely, but with all that stress, I worked up an appetite.

I plan on having a very low-resolution start to 2013, but after two Yuletide weeks of very little running and very much food and wine, my sailor is gone back to sea and I'm rekindling my love affair with tofu veggie stir-fries. Hidden in the fridge behind half-eaten jars of pickles, cheeses and pâtés, I found vegetables! This is almost as shocking to my system as the frigid weather.

low-cal tastes better than it looks. really.
Luckily, I also found leftover xmas pudding and an accompanying jar of rum sauce...
