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To Dip or Not to Dip ...

I can't believe NYE is here already! A friend just called me to remind me about the Marble Mountain Polar Bear Dip tomorrow (and how I had vowed to "put the X back in Xmas") just when I was beginning to feel myself chickening out and thinking I could just quietly not show up. Back in the fall, when the weather was tropical compared to now, I toyed with the idea of taking the polar plunge on January 1, 2013 and even practiced with a Turkey Dip at the cottage and a few blasts of cold water in the shower since then. It still seemed like a good idea as recently as Xmas Day when I was out suntanning on the deck. I think I thought I could do it.

Photo: Haute Couture shot: magic Xmas pants, Santa earmuffs, rubber boots.
the Magic Xmas Pants still fit!
But in the last few days we were hit by a wicked Nor'Easter that churned up the lake and sucked down a whole lot of cold arctic air, and tomorrow is forecast to be sub-zero and windy. I did not sign up for that! The past few January 1sts have been balmy 2-3C and calm. So why this year did Old Man Winter have to show up more or less on time? Where is my old friend Global Warming? 

NYE 2011
NYE 2012
See! The past to year-ends were lovely. This is unfair.

Visit Maggie's Journal for details on tomorrow's dip. I still really am undecided and might be too busy writing my New Year Resolutions to partake. What do you think? My only fear is cardiac arrest, so I am off to do some research on the probability. Vote at the bottom of the right side-bar: To Dip or Not to Dip? That is the question.


  1. Think of it as....the spa....yeah, we did that a few weeks ago, cold cold waterfall, warm warm sauna....just crank the heat in the car, that'll do for that part....repeat, soon you will be relaxed and confodent walking around bare chested in the breeze and ready for another, that night you'll drink everyone under the table, and not a tynenol will be consumed...raw chicken eggs for breakfast.....aaarrrrgggggghhh!!!

  2. Do it! Then you can say you did it and have more stories to share...

  3. Unfortunately, when the time came for me to leave for the beach, the vote was 33% Dip and 66% No Dip ... thank GAWD! I must admit, I was relieved. However, I did attend as a spectator and it really looked like fun. Maybe next year ...


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