Pastel de tres leches

espresso yo'self

Daniel got us a new Cuisinart EM100 espresso machine on the weekend! I thought we should go to Italy to buy a Gaggia, but why wait? Ours came without a manual, so we had to go online to find an instructional video. There is a how to video for almost everything on youtube ... I even found one on how to get more blog readers (perhaps I should take a look at that one).

Anyways ... I put together a little video montage which chronicles our excitement experimenting with the new gadget: 

As we practiced tamping, frothing, and taste-testing all day, our caffeine levels fluctuated radically; I went from jumping in a cold ocean to napping to running to singing to weeping (ok, not really weeping, but it sounded dramatic). The coffee is so delicious, I would have one right now if I didn't have to get a good night's sleep and work tomorrow. 
