Pastel de tres leches

Potluck & Peppers

Potluck at work tomorrow; I'm bringing this Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Coloured Polka Dot Rotini which Ana has taste-tested and approved.

On the greenhouse fashion scene, Daniel added some very exciting accessories today:

rainwater collection system
After tossing together the pasta salad and walking down the Riviera with Sammy, I spent the evening in the greenhouse planting peppers until I looked out and saw the moon up above. It was still very warm in the greenhouse at 9pm, even though the temperature outside is dropping and Environment Canada has issued a frost warning for tonight.

I have no idea if I gave these little guys enough room in their containers - if not, I'll replant them when they get bigger. The bell pepper at the top already has blossoms! I better start looking for salsa recipes.